Fishing reel fast cast-Fluke Fishing Bundle

Palmarius Pro Carbon Plus Boat Rod (Model) 73L 2oz to 6oz 73M 4oz to 12oz 73H 8oz to 20oz
JDM Shimano Ocea Fishing Reel (Shimano JDM Ocea Models) 1000hg 1500pg 1500hg 1501pg 1501hg
Sunline P.E Line X8 Siglon Advance 300M (Size) ●PE 1.7 /20lb /300m ●PE 2.0 /24lb /300m ●PE 2.5 /30lb /300m

Pro quality bundle consisting of Palmarius High Carbon 73L/M/H rod paired with a Shimano Ocea 1500 class reel - professionally spooled with Japan made super thin Sunline Advanced 8X braid in a beautiful blue tone to match the rods and reels. Choice of 20/24/30 Pound test. 

Free Palmarius Jig Wallet is included with each bundle.

a $279.00 saving over buying the same items separately at regular prices!