Fishing tackle durable pouch-Dr.Fish 30pcs Fly Fishing Strike Indicators

Color Red Yellow Green
  • Durability and Longevity: Crafted from high density foam, this fishing float is designed to withstand frequent use and corrosion in saltwater
  • Buoyancy and Stability: High density EVA foam offers excellent buoyancy and stability, which enable bobber to stay afloat even in rough waters, and keep your lure at the perfect water column.
  • Bright Color: Easy spotting colors make fishing bobbers highly visible in various water conditions, allowing anglers to easily track their bait and detect even the slightest fish nibbles
  • Easy to use: Slide tube out, put the line through tube and insert the tube back.
  • Specification: (Color) red, yellow, green, (Length) 0.82"/2.1cm, (Width) 0.47"/1.2cm

Here are some factors to consider when selecting the color of your fly fishing indicator:
Light Conditions:
1. Bright Sunlight: Bright colors like chartreuse, fluorescent orange, or hot pink are highly visible against the glare on the water surface.
2.Overcast or Low Light: On cloudy days or during early morning and late evening hours, darker or more natural tones like brown, black, or dark green can be less intrusive and blend better with the surroundings while still providing sufficient visibility.
Water Clarity:
3. Clear Water: In clear water, a more subtle color like a pale yellow or off-white can be less obtrusive to fish but still visible enough for the angler. 
4.Murky or Stained Water: For waters with lower visibility, brighter colors are necessary to ensure you can see the indicator clearly. Bright oranges, pinks, or greens can cut through the murkiness.

Fish Behavior:
In some cases, extremely spooky fish might be deterred by brightly colored indicators. If you're targeting particularly wary trout in clear, slow-moving streams, a more natural-looking indicator might be advisable to avoid spooking them.