Fishing bait scent case-Megabass Vision Oneten Hi-Float

Color Gillkko GG Chart Back Gill Kasumi ITO GG Wild Gill

 Prop 65 Cancer and Reproductive Harm

Type: Hi-Floating

With special attention paid to the swimming action at different retrieve speeds, the VISION ONETEN Hi-FLOAT manages sharp, high pitched rolling movement even during slow retrievals. Adding a higher level of buoyancy to the original VISION ONETEN, it perfectly simulates a defenseless baitfish, and is suited for high tempo jerking to catch those big fish that wander into the shallows or hide in grass beds. With its Hi-FLOAT body, it creates a distinct back and forth darting motion, bound to excite any fish. Please check out this masterful piece of work from ITO Engineering.

VISION ONETEN Hi-FLOAT has made VISION ONETEN to be high in buoyancy, and has specialized in brushing up the swimming response while retrieving. It has been set up to create a sharp high-pitch rolling action even while retrieving super slowly. At shallow areas in low water temperature seasons, water grass areas under tough conditions at big lakes, and for fishes that do not react to vivid actions, the “super slow retrieve method”, producing big fishes response, corresponds in high dimension. The “rise up & dart” action darting left and right dodging the shallow cover by its high floating body will switch on the combat instinct of the feeding fish. Please check out the skill of I.T.O. Engineering tuning.