Fishing rod lightweight pouch-Power Pro Spectra White Braided Line

Pound Test 10 pound 15 pound 20 pound 30 pound 40 pound 50 pound 65 pound 80 pound 100 pound 150 pound 200 pound
Spool Size 100 yards 150 yards 500 yards 300 yards


  • The Power Pro Spectra White Braided Line is braided fishing line.
  • Round, smooth, and sensitive braided fishing line.
  • Enhanced body technology (EBT) boosts handling performance.
  • High strength-to-diameter ratio.
  • Available in a wide range of pound test strengths between 10 and 150 pounds.

The Power Pro Spectra White Braided Line is braided fishing line. With its Enhanced Body Technology (EBT) gives you awesome handling performance on any reel. From freshwater to saltwater, anglers depend on PowerPro to provide a fish-catching edge over standard monofilament or even other super braids. It doesn't bury in the spool and casts long and smooth -- even after a hard strike. PowerPro outperforms monofilament lines in any situation and leaves other superlines in the dust.

Available in a wide range of pound test strengths between 10 and 150 pounds.