Said by many to be the perfect EDC (every day carry) Swiss Army knife. At 84mm (3.31") the Cadet model is not only handy, but due to its slim size it's easy to always have with you. With the basic tools you need in life, you will find the Cadet is adept at most tasks. The main blade can open the daily mail with ease, along with your latest shipment of goodies from Cutlery Shoppe. Other clever tools you'll use more than you'd expect are the bottle opener with large screwdriver, the can opener with small screwdriver and the nail file blade. The ALOX (aluminum oxide) handles have a checkered pattern that gives you a subtle, yet positive grip, while smooth enough to comfortably ride in your pocket. Once you start carrying a Cadet everyday - you'll wonder how you got along without it before!

Fishing reel lightweight hold-Victorinox - Swiss Army Knife Cadet Silver Alox Knife